After not blogging for a really long time, I decided that my attempt to be more disciplined and write more frequently would be bettered by a new name.
I've lived in apartments since my junior year in college, which I started in 2005. Since then, I've lived in three different apartments, and have experienced an unfortunate event in each of them. One morning, I've awoken to discover that it was raining in my bathroom. In some instances (as it has happened multiple times in each apartment) it had been raining through the night and I was left with the ensuing flood. In other's I woke up to the deluge still coming from the ceiling. Most recently, I noticed a small drip before I went to bed, and woke up for the next three mornings to enough water for my miniature dachshund to swim in - if she liked to be in water that is.
While in the moment I'm not amused, and the clean up and sometimes long term ramifications of this recurring event are not fun to deal with, I do find this pattern to be quite humorous. I mean, really now, chances are you will probably experience some kind of leak in your dwelling place at some point in life; life happens. At least six times in under seven years however, is a bit ridiculous.
I view it as a metaphor for life. Sometimes you're cruising along, then something happens and you're covered in toilet water from your neighbor's upstairs. Through no fault of your own, sogginess happens. Sometimes if feels as though you're the only one who keeps getting soggy, especially because of the actions of others; though if we were honest with ourselves, we'd admit we create our fair share of sogginess for ourselves. Some sogginess we can clean up on our own. Some we need help from friends to move the soggy stuff out, and professionals to come clean up what's left behind. This is where your community steps in to help you, and if you know Him, Christ comes in and does the heavy lifting for you.
So next time you get soggy, remember two things and take heart. 1) Eventually, everything dries. 2) Though it may feel like it, you're not the only one getting soggy, and you don't have to do clean up on your own.
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