Thursday, June 29, 2006

Selfless Love

"I can't wait to get married because then my wife will cook and clean for me."
"I can't wait to get married because then my husband will take care of my car for me."
"I can't wait to get married because then I'll never be lonely again."

All familiar refrains right? We hear statements like this all of the time, especially among young twenty-somethings. While these are all statements that accurately express how we feel, I'm pretty sure we have it all backwards. I think one of today's fundamental problems with relationships in general, and marriage specifically, is that too many enter into it with the mindset of all of the things the other person is going to give them, do for them, and be for them; I'm convinced that we would have much healthier marriages, and relationships in general, if we entered them thinking of what we can do, give, and be for the other person, instead of what we can receive. After all, aren't we supposed to love one another with Christ's love? Aren't we supposed to put others above ourselves? Aren't both of these loves selfless instead of selfish? We must start loving with a smart love and a selfless love, instead of a stupid and selfish love.

I challenge us to start loving with a smart and selfless love; to put others first not just in meaningless gestures and words, but in words and gestures that are backed up by genuine selflessness. "This is My commandment, that you love one another, just as I have loved you. " John 15:12

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